Hi it’s me again and I have not written a blog in a long time so I am getting back to it. When I went out to ask people for joyful moments I was TEERRRIIFIED once again! So I have to face my fear. Also I have to tell you guys about some of my good-news. I switched schools and I am loving it. But I have so much homework. But over all it was a fantastic move. So now I am so JOYFUL! That is only one thing that is making me so happy but I don’t feel like talking about me. That is not what this website is about. It is about making you guys joyful so I am asking you guys to tell me some of your joyful moments to make me so happy and to publish themnso please conntact me about this or leave me a comment under this blog. Another thing is if you haven’t seen or read my knew story you should relay do that after you finish reading my blog. Thanks for reading. But last things last is I can’t wait until you read my next one.